
Accessible Colors

We evaluate your color combination using the WCAG 2.0 guidelines for contrast accessibility. If your combination does not meet the guidelines, we find the closest accessible combination by modifying the color lightness. We modify the lightness value only, in order to stay as true to the original color as possible.

Accessible Colors has a Butler score of 0, based on 0 user reviews collected from the web. Accessible Colors is an alternative to

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Accessible Colors



Stack Butler Score

Accessible Colors Overview

Contact details

Company Name: Accessible Colors


We evaluate your color combination using the WCAG 2.0 guidelines for contrast accessibility.
If your combination does not meet the guidelines, we find the closest accessible combination by modifying the color lightness.
We modify the lightness value only, in order to stay as true to the original color as possible.
Accessible Colors Comparison
Accessible Colors Categories