
Stock Portfolio Management Software

April 2024

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Best Stock Portfolio Management Software

Prokuria is a procurement automation platform that enables procurement departments and top management to organize all their RFPs and e-Auctions with suppliers in one place.
eAuctions are now a proven cost-cutting tool compared to traditional pricing which usually takes place through successive negotiations.
SPEND ANALYSIS: Transform your data into actionable insights. DATA ENRICHMENT: Get additional perspectives on your data. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT: Unlock the full value from every contract. INITIATIVES & T...
The 21Brains Sourcing tool optimizes your sourcing and B2B sales processes. 21Brains runs in the cloud and in your pocket with the sourcing app. With 21Brains you get rid of all the Excel files and em...
Source-to-Pay from OpusCapita is a unified cloud-based platform delivering sourcing, procurement, accounts payable and expense management with full connectivity to your trading partners through the Op...
is electronic system for managing operational procurements
Promena e-Sourcing offers solutions designed to for cost savings, efficiency, control and risk reduction in strategic purchasing activities.
CBX ensures that everyone responsible for bringing new products to market has access to the most current information to support everyday decisions and manage critical path; resulting in dramatically i...
Smart cloud-based sourcing, contract & supplier management software oboloo’s smart user-friendly SaaS gives your organisation full visibility and control of your sourcing, contract & supplier managem...
Scanmarket A/S develops cloud based sourcing and procurement solutions, was founded in 1999 and is based in Solbjerg, Denmark.

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