

Podcasting is growing fast. Get the data and contacts you need to pitch podcasts at scale and turn listeners into customers.

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Rephonic Overview

Contact details

Company Name: Rephonic

Founded: 2020

Website: Rephonic


Discovering, researching and qualifying podcasts is frustrating and time consuming. The data is spread out all over the web and it takes a lot of manual work to collect it all together in your spreadsheet or CRM. Plus the data is already out-of-date as soon as you finish collecting it. Getting verified download numbers from a publisher is important, but sometimes you just need a ballpark figure to make a quick decision. Once you've identified a promising lead, contacting a show requires even more manual work and it's not always possible to find an email address on the podcast's website. Rephonic's mission is to be the independent, reliable source of truth for all kinds of data in the podcast industry. The goal is to save you time and help you to make better decisions with comprehensive data and robust discovery of shows in any niche.

Rephonic FAQ

How to find relevant podcasts for any topic or niche

Rephonic makes it easy to find podcasts for the topic or niche that you care about. This guide explains how to use the search engine and gives you some tips and best practices.

What is Rephonic?

Rephonic is a high-quality search tool that helps users to get featured on podcasts in no time. Real-time listener demographics offered by the tool helps with adequate podcast searches across two million podcasts.

What is the objective of a podcast?

What is the Goal of your Podcast? To communication with a specific audience: Whether you have a message you want to market, a few opinions you would like to share or an interest in communication with a specific community, podcasting is an accessible way to reach your desired audience.

Does Rephonic have an API?

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