
Artifax Event

ArtifaxEvent is designed to manage event planning, room hire, resource scheduling, finances, artistic and production schedules, education bookings and tour scheduling.

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Artifax Event



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Artifax Event Overview

Contact details

Company Name: Artifax Event

Website: Artifax Event


Venue and event management streamlined. Join a global community of thousands of users managing millions of commercial and cultural events with Artifax’s cloud software solution, ArtifaxEvent. 

Civic facilities, conference centres, galleries and museums, visitor attractions, theatres and concert halls, festivals and places of worship around the world use Artifax for event planning, room hire, staff and resource scheduling, finances, artistic and production schedules, tour bookings, document storage and online bookings. Artifax software is simple to configure and use with built-in wizards, custom fields and contextual forms, robust security and your own terminology. 

A central calendar is at the heart of ArtifaxEvent, providing one source of the truth for your entire organization. Artifax is ISO 27001, ISO 9001 and Cyber Essentials certified.
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