
Brics CAD

With hundreds of Third Party solutions, BricsCAD® is the powerful alternative CAD platform unifying 2D CAD and 3D direct modeling for dwg on Windows and Linux.

Brics CAD has a Butler score of 4, based on 25 user reviews collected from the web. Brics CAD is an alternative to

Premium pricing starts 350 USD

Brics CAD



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Brics CAD Overview

Contact details

Company Name: Brics CAD

Website: Brics CAD


BricsCAD the first all-in-one CAD design solution in .dwg that answers all your needs; 2D drafting, 3D modeling, mechanical design, and BIM. 

The BricsCAD® family of products brings a cost-effective, multi-platform CAD solution to Windows, macOS, and Linux.
BricsCAD is available as a permanent/perpetual license & subscription license, for networked or stand-alone computers. You can also add Maintenance for ease of keeping up-to-date.

Familiarity for other CAD users and full LISP support can help reduce a new BricsCAD® users’ learning curve to a day or less. With innovative machine learning tools, you increase drawing accuracy while saving time.

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