
Direct Mail Automation Software

July 2024

Find your best direct mail automation software for your business. Compare features, reviews and more.

Best Direct Mail Automation Software

Sendoso helps companies engage, acquire, and retain customers by integrating digital and physical sending strategies into mission-critical revenue programs.
Alyce chooses personalized gifts for prospects, customers, and employees & tells you when to send them to drive ROI.
Reachdesk automates personalized direct mail and e-gifting. We help B2B sales and marketing professionals to break through the digital noise by creating moments that matter for prospects, customers an...
image is an integrated direct mail platform for sales and marketing teams that leverages machine learning to automate and optimize the creation, delivery, and reporting of personalized physical as...
Switch is a secure pay as you go Saas mailing platform built for small businesses to send documents and letters completely online. Switch handles the postage, envelopes and printing and mailing of you...
SnackMagic is a 100% customizable build-your-own snack and swag box service. Organizers can use the service of SnackMagic to deliver snack box (snacks+beverages) to their remote employees, clients, vi...
Printing and Mailing for Developers. Send Physical Mail as Easily as E-mail
Postalytics turns direct mail into a digital marketing channel. Postalytics uses HubSpot lists and workflows to trigger postcards and letters with patent-pending tracking of offline delivery and onli...
RevSend was founded in 2019 in Los Angeles, CA. We're passionate about helping companies build lasting relationships with their clients and customers

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