
Enterprise Search Software

July 2024

Find your best enterprise search software for your business. Compare features, reviews and more.

Best Enterprise Search Software

Algolia is an API built for developers that delivers relevant results in your mobile apps and websites from the first keystroke.
Elasticsearch is a distributed, open source search and analytics engine, designed for horizontal scalability, reliability, and easy management. It combines the speed of search with the power of analyt...
Microsoft Bing Image Search API is a service that provides a similar (but not exact) experience to (overview on MSDN), it allow partners send a search query to Bing and get back a list...
Microsoft Bing News Search API is a tool that search the web for news articles including details like authoritative image of the news article, related news and categories, provider info, article URL, ...
IBM's Watson Discovery Service is a suite of APIs that aims to make it easier for companies to ingest and analyze their data.
X1 Search is a search and productivity application that simplifies the way business professionals search and act upon desktop files, remote file shares, emails, SharePoint data and more.
Microsoft Bing Video Search API is an API tool that find videos across the web and provide useful metadata including creator, encoding format, video length, view count, and more.
AddSearch Site Search is a site search that helps your website visitors find what they want - instantly, accurately, and visually.
SearchUnify is an enterprise search solution that provides rich insights & relevant search results, thus making you a self-service leader.
Google Cloud Search is a cloud search solution designed to seacrh through Gmail, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Calendar, and others.

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