
Gominga Review Manager

Analyze product reviews and questions from a variety of eBusiness platforms and respond to individual customer opinions directly from the SaaS tool. Numerous functions such as email alerting and an issue management system make your work easier.

Gominga Review Manager has a Butler score of 0, based on 0 user reviews collected from the web. Gominga Review Manager is an alternative to

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Gominga Review Manager



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Gominga Review Manager Overview

Contact details

Company Name: Gominga Review Manager

Website: Gominga Review Manager


Your one-stop-shop for review management! Market research and customer care at the digital POS: gain insights from existing ratings, reviews and Q&A. Interact directly with the end consumer by replying to reviews and questions on all national and international platforms such as Amazon or Google. 

The gominga Review Manager allows you to manage product, store, app and shop reviews. Monitoring, alerting, analysis and interaction - easy and scalable with the gominga SaaS tool. 

We currently cover platforms such as Amazon (worldwide), Alternate, Apple App Store, AO, Bazaarvoice, Chainreactioncycles, Coolblue, Conrad, Galaxus, Google My Business, Google Play Store, Obi, Rosebikes, Trusted Shops, Trustpilot, Walmart, Zalando etc.

Companies such as Acer, BSH, Gardena, Garmin, LG, Samsung and Schwalbe use our tool to increase sales and improve brand image.

Zendesk users can now install the gominga app to use our review management services via their Zendesk application.

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