
One Login

Extend enterprise security & compliance to all public and private cloud apps with secure single sign-on (SSO), multi-factor authentication & user provisioning.

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One Login



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One Login Overview

Contact details

Company Name: One Login

Website: One Login


OneLogin simplifies identity management with secure, one-click access, for employees, customers and partners, through all device types, to all enterprise cloud and on-premises applications.

OneLogin enables IT identity policy enforcement and instantly disables app access for employees who leave or change roles in real-time by removing them from Active Directory. Take control over application access, quickly on- and off-board team members, and provide end-users with easy access to all their applications on every device. Extend your on-premises security model to the cloud in minutes.

Eliminate the pain and expense of extensive identity policy management. OneLogin reduces identity infrastructure costs and complex integration projects for each new app and efficiently extends identity policies to the cloud.

OneLogin eliminates the need for lengthy integration and provisioning projects, manual de-provisioning, protracted on- and off-boarding processes, username and password resets, and Shadow IT.

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